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Texe Marrs 2015 one hour programs
Programs lsited in descending order(newest first)
01(first one of the year) through 52(last one of the year)
52. "Russia Will Submit to Our Will"-The Zionist scheme to punish Putin's Russia and force obedience to the Jewish oligarchs.: Download
Putin is attacked on every side, but he won't back down. The Gays are furious because they are unable to turn Russia into a "homosexual paradise." Putin supports the Christian Church. He's protecting Syria from the U.S.-Israel-Turkey tyrants that are causing all the upheaval in the Middle East. Putin has exposed the treachery of the U.S. false flag hoaxes and he says that Climate Change is simply a moneymaking scam. Will his violent, crazed enemies start a nuclear World War III?
51. Illuminati Vision 2025-The Elite's Ten Point Plan to Reshape America and Build a Global Bureaucratic "Utopia": Download
Texe Marrs exposes the elite's Ten Year Plan to reshape America, end the white people's majority, and force the population into a bureaucratic Utopia. Big-name leaders are involved in this hideous secret plan. Discover where America is headed. We must stop these people-or our country is lost!
50. Global Migration Now!-The New World Order's Project to Change the World Through Refugees and Immigration: Download
A Texe Marrs Special Report. Texe Marrs explains the Refugee Act, which allows Obama to legally bring in unlimited numbers of new immigrants. America is changing and we are being Muslem-ized. Our establishment Congress is giving Obama billions of our tax dollars. Refugees can't read or write. They are given free medical, free phone, free housing, free food, free utilities, free automobiles, and a monthly cash payment. They are not assimilating. This is a disgrace, and both the Republicans and Democrats are responsible for this mess.
49. Secrets (Volume 231): Download
Texe Marrs covers things the controlled media dare not:
(1) "Establishment churches would be better off being turned into barns," says Texe. Get his sensational new book, Pastors and Churches Gone Wild!;
(2) Holy Spirit needed, not fast-talking pastors;
(3) About the Athenian Temple to the Unknown God;
(4) Pope is frantic about global warming (i.e. Climate Change). Polar bears will drown, coastlines will vanish. Russian President Putin, however, says Climate Change is a hoax by New World Order to control humanity and make big bucks;
(5) Comedian Bill Maher criticizes Ben Carson, says don't vote for someone who, like Carson, believes the world is going to end. (uhhh, doesn't Maher and his liberal whacko pals believe in Climate Change, that the world is going to end?);
(6) Texas secession effort continues;
(7) Hillary Clinton says, "Islam is a peaceful religion." Oh yeah, sure!;
(8) San Bernardino Moslem terrorist was treated magnificently by America. He and his arranged-marriage wife paid us back-with bullets!;
(9) Little town in East Texas has to suffer from two new religious establishments-a Church of Lucifer and an Islamic Mosque;
(10) In Brazil, insane Christian Judaizers spend $300 million to build replica of Jewish Temple; meanwhile poverty is everywhere in Brazil. God is not pleased!
48. Judgment Begins in the House of the Lord-The Rise and Fall of the Christian Establishment: Download
Is God "cleaning house" inside the Christian establishment? It appears that Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert were just a start. Name after big name is falling and being exposed. Now the whole Christian world is being turned upside down as we see the power of Scripture and consider God's mighty Word that, in these last days, "Judgment begins in the house of the Lord."
47. American Presidents and the Illuminati-Shining a Light on White House Heroes and Villains: Download
From George Washington to Barack Obama, Texe takes a look at how our Presidents have either cooperated with-or energetically fought-the Illuminati. Eye opening accounts of how "Old Hickory," Andrew Jackson, battled and defeated Rothschild's bank; why John F. Kennedy was assassinated; how the elite managed to force Richard Nixon to resign; and much more.
46. Secrets (Volume 230): Download
Texe Marrs examines things the controlled media covers up:
(1) The Temple of God is now being built;
(2) What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower do about illegal immigrants?;
(3) Why do the Jewish neocons oppose Donald Trump's bid for the presidency?;
(4) Islamic refugees swarm into Europe. Some countries are on verge of collapse due to invasion;
(5) Seventy percent of all the world's refugees are coming to the U.S.A. Obama is immediately giving all refugees a "Green Card" and waiving immigration law;
(6) Russia's Putin says, "There is no climate change. Global warming is a New World Order hoax." Russian people agree;
(7) New NASA report says that the ice in Antarctica is actually growing, defying claims of Obama and the environmentalists;
(8) Christian teacher Bill Gothard's ministry sued for sexually molesting young girls;
(9) Senator Schumer (D-NY) says in synagogue he is called to be a "Guardian for Israel." But what about New York, the state that elected him?
45. Is the Christian Establishment Going to Hell In a Handbasket?: Download
Texe Marrs reports on his new book, Pastors and Churches Gone Wild! Incredible, true accounts of outrageous, unholy acts across America and the world, including:
(1) Duck Dynasty TV stars pose for picture giving Masonic hand and body signs;
(2) Top British priest investigated for fraud runs church called the "Pigalle Club." You are greeted at the door by four burly transvestites in nun's habits. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is a member;
(3) Pastor Joel Osteen says Mormons are true Christians. Really?;
(4) "Hookers for Jesus" evangelize for Jesus; so do "Crackheads for Jesus;"
(5) Church in Seattle welcomes you to their champagne bar for their "Red Hot" dancing bashes;
(6) All-nude church in Virginia says coming to church without clothes brings equality to all;
(7) Episcopals in Los Angeles apologize to Hindus and Moslems. Vow not to evangelize again;
(8) and more...
44. The Worst Mass Murderers and Revolutionaries of the Past 2000 Years: Download
A Special Report. They have earned reputations as psychopaths and madmen. They have no consciences and have tortured and murdered thousands, even millions. Texe Marrs examines these vastly evil men and reveals the common characteristic of each monster: Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Torquemada, Morgenthau, Roosevelt, Churchill, Sharon, Rabin, and more...
43. Kosher Politics: Download
Who's pulling the strings of the candidates for President of the United States? Do we really have a Democracy or are the elections rigged? Texe Marrs for the first time ever exposes Kosher Politics, the billionaires who dole out millions of dollars to their chosen candidates and destroy the others. See how Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, the Koch brothers, and George Soros use their great wealth to manipulate the vote. These men are neither Republican nor Democrat. They have only one criterion for their support: Which man, or woman, is best for Israel?
42. Focus on Albert Pike, 33º, Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Confederate War General, Co-founder of the Ku Klux Klan and Cabalist Occultist: Download
He remains the most honored of all Freemasons. His tomb and memorial statue are in Washington, D.C. and no one objects. How can the status of a confederate war general who is also co-founder of the hated Ku Klux Klan stand in view of the Justice Department, led by an Afro-American Attorney General? Why do blacks not attack the Pike memorial? What strange and bizarre hold does the statue of a Jewish-based Masonic leader have on D.C. politicians to allow this?
41. America and Israel Strangle the World-Russia, China, and a Few Others Fight Back: Download
The U.S.A., at Israel's urging, is attacking, destroying, and destabilizing country after country-Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. This is unbridled, illegal aggression. The two nations are also masterminding the ISIS terrorist hoax in the Middle East. Only Russia, China, Iran and a few others have the courage to strike back. Russia and China have sent troops and warships to fight the terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Why is America labeling Russia's Putin a "Hitler?" Are the same forces collapsing the American economy and ruining our culture active in wars overseas? The truth comes out!
40. Secrets (Volume 229): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers things the controlled media dare not report:
(1) Blood Moon "Shemitah" prophecies fizzle out;
(2) Why is Russia fighting in Syria?;
(3) Why didn't Pope Francis disclose that he was meeting privately with Kentucky county clerk, Kim Davis?;
(4) Pope Francis: bamboozled by Climate Change hoax;
(5) U.S. government gives Southern Baptist Convention over $300 million annually to help settle immigrants in America;
(6) Why are Jewish neocons so intent on destroying American culture by pushing immigration?;
(7) Are the neocons frightened of Donald Trump and threatening to fund a Third Political Party?;
(8) Is House Speaker John Boehner conspiring with Democrat Nancy Pelosi?;
(9) Planned Parenthood pays mob to throw condoms at Carly Fiorina;
(10) Do homosexuals intend to destroy the historic family and end marriage?
39. 666-Insight on the Number of the Beast: Download
God placed in the Bible, in Revelation 13 and elsewhere, a sensational riddle concerning the number, name, and mark of the Beast, the last days antichrist. Now you can know these intriguing facts and identify the Beast who may be in our midst, at this very moment.
38. Planet Rothschild: The Rothschild Dynasty and its Ultimate Goals for Israel and Planet Earth: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Mike King, author of the monumental two volume set of books, Planet Rothschild. An examination of the rise of the Rothschilds to become the richest family on earth and the rulers of nations. Discover the secretive Judaic religion of evil the Rothschilds practice and see how they operate to bring war and ruination to targeted nations. Don't miss this provocative program!
37. The United States and Israel Organize Genocide in North Africa and the Middle East-Refugees, Destabilization, Conquest, and Lies According to Plan: Download
A Special Report by Texe Marrs. Unraveling the reasons for the incredible refugee invasion of Europe and the United States. Proof that the United States and Israel are intentionally torturing, murdering and killing hundreds of thousands of people in Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Syria to destabilize the Middle East, steal oil resources, and set up a fake "Islamic Caliphate." A "Greater Israel" and the death of Syria is the immediate goal as the New World Order is strengthened and the U.S.A. and Europe are transformed into multicultural Moslem/Christian/Atheist regions, void of constitutional rights.
36. Secrets (Volume 228): Download
Texe Marrs reveals things the controlled media dare not report:
(1) The satanic process of the dechristianization of America is now accelerated;
(2) Is the Shemitah and the blood moon phenomenon the signal for the end of the world?
(3) Pope Francis compliments lesbian author of the book, Why Do I Have Two Mommies? for her Christian service;
(4) The Pope's visit to America will find him promoting illegal immigration and pushing hard on behalf of a communist-styled New World Order;
(5) The Pope has been invited to address our assembled Congress;
(6) Vice President Joe Biden's son turns up as a member on the internet's adultrous site, Ashley Madison. He claims Russia did it;
(7) Red China is creating a separate internet just for its citizens so they will not be affected by the news out of America and Europe;
(8) President Obama travels to Alaska during summer to promote Global Warming hoax. He claims the ice is melting, but actually ice in Alaska melts every summer;
(9) Republican Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner taking heat for their con-job lies to the public;
(10) Why was a color digital image of the Hindu goddess of death, Kali, seen by millions projected on the Empire State building in New York City?
35. The New Covenant is Alive!-The Old Covenant is Dead and Gone: Download
A definitive look at Scripture. Here is how to distinguish the true Christian from the religious Judaizer. Texe carefully examines the Book of Hebrews which leaves no doubt: The Old Covenant was flawed and was a shadow of better things to come whereas the New Covenant of Jesus Christ has transformed the lives of millions of true believers.
34. Satanic Mysteries and Sexual Darkness in the Last Days: Download
Texe Marrs unmasks the ancient roots of homosexuality and sexual perversions. The Mystery Religions of Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Egypt are here, now, as same-sex unions gather steam, pedophilia is rampant, and Christian righteousness is scorned and abandoned. Amazing insights into the Jewish Kabbalah and Talmud and how these books of the Jews promote incest and sexual sin. New documentary movie, "Sperm," is discussed, a movie which declares the Jewish male's sperm to be "holy and sacred." Discover why Satanists believe that the religious ritual of sodomy will eventually produce the antichrist who, they believe, will free the world of hated Christianity.
33. Prophetic Secrets of Earthly Jerusalem (Volume 2): City of the Great Serpent: Download
32. Prophetic Secrets of Earthly Jerusalem (Part 1)-City of the Great Serpent: Download
A Texe Marrs Exclusive. New, 2-volume series which examines the Bible's astounding endtime prophecies concerning the earthly city of Jerusalem. Mostly covered up and disparaged, these prophecies reveal God's exact plan for Jerusalem and Israel. Includes:
(1) Jerusalem is not the beloved city of the prophets;
(2) God gives Jerusalem the horrid spiritual name, "Sodom and Egypt;"
(3) Jews will be led by Satan to murder God's witnesses, then celebrate their death with gift-giving;
(4) Jews are labeled the "Synagogue of Satan" in Revelation;
(5) Jesus prophesied He would make Jerusalem "desolate," and He will slay all the evil Jews who refuse to serve Him;
(6) Jewish bankers and corporate bosses will "defraud" working men and women and kill those who protest;
(7) The Serpent Beast (Satan) will rise up in Jerusalem and go on to conquer the world;
(8) Apostate Christians will join reprobate Jews to set up and worship a fake Christ (the Antichrist) who will go to Jerusalem and declare himself above God;
(9) The Jewish New World Order will gain momentum and clout but will nonetheless end up totally destroyed;
(10) Prophecies against Jerusalem by prophets Isaiah and Moses;
(11) And more... All prophecies fully documented!
31. Secrets (Volume 227): Download
Texe Marrs discusses things the controlled media dare not mention:
(1) Church of Satan unveils 10 ft. tall "Baphomet" statue of Satan. Over 1,000 people attended;
(2) Transgender Caitlyn Jenner has religious ritual "renaming ceremony." Everyone wore white as Boy George performed;
(3) Homosexuals of Supreme Court, Republican and Democrat, gave us 5-4 same-sex marriage decision. It is only the first step in a broad assault against Christianity;
(4) Los Angeles sets up new transgender modeling;
(5) Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts of aborted babies. Expect the Republicans in Congress to continue giving this murderous group up to $500 million annually of your taxpayers dollars;
(6) Baphomet (Satan) is an idol worshipped centuries ago by Knights Templar and its grandmaster, Jacques DeMolay. DeMolay a Satanist still honored by freemasonry today, was burned at the stake by French King Philip IV. Today, the Masonic youth group is named after DeMolay. Billy Graham has praised the DeMolay group, and Bill Clinton was a member;
(7) Illegal alien crimes are ravaging Texas;
(8) Obama eliminates sentence in Citizenship Oath in which the individual swears he or she will defend the Constitution of the United States;
(9) Sanctuary Cities refuse to cooperate with ICE. Illegal alien criminals set free to roam streets, kill and rape;
(10) Afro-American groups demand George Washington's name be removed from Washington, D.C. because he was a slave-owner. They seek to change the city's name to "Black City."
(11) Refugees flood America from Middle East and Africa. They are exempt from immigration law.
30. "Will You Walk Into My Parlour?": Download
A Texe Marrs Special Report. The Jewish religion and Zionism dictate a future world in which most Christians will be put to death. The few who are allowed to live must serve as slaves ("donkeys") for Jewish Masters. The name of Jesus will live in infamy, and the riches of the whole world shall reside in the hands of the wealthy Jews. The Protocols of Zion will be followed as a totalitarian New World Order takes shape. The superior species, the Jews, will live in the light, but the Gentiles, their lives will be in utter darkness. All of this is laid out precisely in the famous book by Rabbi Higger, The Jewish Utopia.
29. The Bad War: And the Truth Never Taught About World War II: Download
Texe interviews M.S. King, author of this important new book. Here is the scorching truth about Hitler, Stalin, the Jews and World War II. Stalin and the Communists first attacked Finland, the Baltic States, and Poland. So why did the Allies target only Hitler and Germany? In fact, the Jews of Britain and the U.S.A. admired the Communist regime and hated Hilter. They conspired with Churchill and Roosevelt, using massive propaganda and lies to turn public opinion against Germany. The Jews praised the monstrous regime of Joseph Stalin, they invented the "Holocaust" and sought to usher in the newfound State of Israel. The wartime atrocities of U.S. and British bombing led to over 10 million German deaths and a terrible loss of life. Discover the other side of the hidden news.
28. Secrets (Volume 226): Download
Texe Marrs examines news the controlled media dare not report:
(1) Six Jewish companies control 96% of the world's media;
(2) Homosexuality is a religious rite of the satanic elite;
(3) Pedophile priests in Ireland prepare the way for the recent vote by the majority for same sex marriage;
(4) The New York Times wants Christians to revise the Bible, to approve homosexuality and bring the Christian Church into the 21st century;
(5) Putin signs law banning abortion ads after new report shows Russian population is not growing;
(6) Israel and the U.S. search for a new "Osama bin Laden." Propaganda is used to rebrand Jewish agents as "terrorists" so that the world public will continue in fear and loathing;
(7) New Al Quaeda leader outed as Israeli;
(8) A 16-year old Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry the man who forcibly raped her;
(9) Laughter Movement in Pentecostal churches turns ugly as people begin cackling like witches, turning churches into weird circus-like sideshows;
(10) Can a true Christian support abortion?
27. Antichrist: The Beast Revealed: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Edward Hendrie on his outstanding new book. Hendrie shows how Judaism has now taken over Roman Catholicism, merging the two false religions and paving the way for a global antichrist leader. The Catholic mass is reinterpreted by a leading priest as a Jewish cabala ritual, and homosexual rituals are taking place. The ancient goddess religion is restored as a New World Order is being promoted. Amazing research.
26. Dictatorship of the Neocon Jews: Download
Just as Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in 1917 established a dictatorship of the Bolshevik Jews in Russia, the Neocon Jews have done so in America. Their grip is not yet complete but they are increasing its strength day by day. Texe Marrs examines the Neocons, showing how they came to power with a coup that ousted President Richard Nixon. Later, they forced President Carter out after only one term, attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and impeached President Bill Clinton. With Bush and Obama the Neocons made giant strides. They now control and dictate to Congress and the Courts. Similarly, the Neocons took over foreign and trade affairs, seized control of the Pentagon, and revolutionized the Culture. What will the Dictatorship do next in their blazing destruction of America's constitutional and Christian heritage?
25. Fourteen Truths That Must Be Known For America To Recover From Its Satanic Trance: Download
The people of America have been lied to and controlled by the Elite Mind-Masters for many decades. Here are 14 truths which must be known for citizens to recover from their almost catatonic trance state:
(1) Who killed JFK?;
(2) Who did 9/11?;
(3) Who was behind the Fed, the IRS, and World War I?;
(4) Infamy of Pearl Harbor;
(5) Jews behind the Bolshevik Communist Conspiracy of 1917;
(6) The Neocon plot in America;
(7) The Nuclear Arms of Israel and its threat to destroy America and Europe;
(8) Rothschild bank and its role in Civil War and in history;
(9) UFOs;
(11) Murder of General Patton and Secretary of Defense Forrestal;
(12) Secret homosexual deviancy by American icons;
(13) Jewish leadership of Mafia;
(14) Why Richard Nixon was drummed out of the White House.
24. Lessons of Purim-Queen Esther and the Holy Day of Jewish Killing: Download
The Book of Esther in the Old Testament is revealed to be a prophetic warning from God about the murderous attitudes of the Jews and the poisonous doctrines of Judaism. The Persian King deposed virtuous Queen Vashti and replaced her with his concubine Esther, whom he then married. Esther then persuaded the drunken Persian King to murder tens of thousands and to hang Haman's ten sons. The New Testament and the lovely teachings of Jesus our Lord stand in sharp contrast with the treachery, revenge, and vindictiveness of the Jews. Beware of the Purim Holy Days. Amazing prophecy.
23. Secrets (Volume 225): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers facts the controlled media dare not mention:
(1) Senator Lindsey Graham, a homosexual, announces he's running for President. Supported by rich Jews, Graham jokes that if elected, his entire cabinet in the White House will be made up of Jews;
(2) Pope Francis says Global Warming is huge threat;
(3) President Obama, at U.S. Coast Guard Academy, also shows he has bought into hoax of Global Warming;
(4) Two gay men are made "father and son" by a Court. Now this father and son have decided to get married;
(5) Austin church blesses adoption of boy by two gays;
(6) Chris Hitchens, an atheist, ridicules a Methodist pastor who denies the miracles of Jesus and the Virgin birth. "Why do you say you are a Christian if you do not believe in the basics of the faith?" asks the scoffer, Mr. Hitchens;
(7) George W. Bush and Dick Cheney used lies to launch the Iraq War. They killed tens of thousands of innocents and must be put be put on trial as war criminals;
(8) World War II hero, General Douglas MacArthur, said, "The cross and the flag are America's two greatest symbols." Today, the General could be court-martialed for his truthful statement;
(9) Courageous young female marine is court-martialed for refusing to remove from her desk the timely statement found in the Old Testament, "No weapon formed shall prosper against you;"
(10) Andreas Lubitz, the German co-pilot who plunged his aircraft into a mountain, killing himself and all aboard, was a gay homosexual;
(11) Rabbi conducts crusade in Jerusalem against gay bath houses after finding rabbis and other pedophiles having sex with children.
22. Marching to Zion (Part 2)-Christian Evangelicals Fall Into Black Hole of Sodom and Egypt, and the Synagogue of Satan: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Pastor Steven Anderson in regard to the Jews, Israel, and heretical Christianity. The new video, Marching to Zion, has interviews of four Jewish rabbis. It also includes interviews of Texe Marrs and biblical leaders.
21. Marching to Zion (Part 1)-Christian Evangelicals Fall Into Black Hole of Sodom and Egypt, and the Synagogue of Satan: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Pastor Steven Anderson in regard to the Jews, Israel, and heretical Christianity. The new video, Marching to Zion, has interviews of four Jewish rabbis. It also includes interviews of Texe Marrs and biblical leaders.
20. Secrets (Volume 224): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers news the controlled Media dare not report:
(1) Shocker! U.S.A., Israel, and ISIS are working together to defeat Syria and set up a Moslem caliphate in the Middle East;
(2) ISIS leader Al Baghdadi reportedly dies in Israeli hospital;
(3) Crazy Jewess Pam Gellar and rich Jews provoke Moslem attack in Garland, Texas, holding a contest to draw cartoons of Mohammad;
(4) United Nations wants control of all water on earth;
(5) Babies in New York City contract herpes from diseased rabbis performing ritual circumcisions with their mouth and teeth;
(6) Environmentalists in Texas give standing ovation to University of Texas Dr. Eric Pianki who advocates killing off 90% of the earth’s population. Dr. Pianki says that people are "no better than bacteria." It would, he says, be perfect to purposely air spray the Ebola virus on billions of unsuspecting victims;
(7) Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time;"
(8) Billionaire Bill Gates says that a Global Government is "badly needed;"
(9) Russia's Putin signs law banning abortion ads;
(10) Former Netanyahu aide is appointed "social media" director for Senator Rand Paul. Vows to push Israeli agenda on internet;
(11) Black church group with 15.7 million members, 15 denominations, and 34,000 churches break ties with Presbyterian Church U.S.A. over same-sex marriage. The group courageously says same-sex marriage is a sin and a false gospel;
(12) Australia's former Prime Minister John Howard is formally accused of war crimes in Iraq before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
19. Ted Cruz-Deceiver of Zion, Father of North American Union, Conspirator with Goldman Sachs Bank, Traitor to America, and Puppet for the Jewish New World Order: Download
The Jewish Illuminati have engineered a monumental hoax, promoting faker conservative Senator Ted Cruz for President of the United States. Cruz' father was a guerrilla fighter for Fidel Castro in Cuba; Cruz was born in Canada. His wife, Heidi, as a member of the traitorous Council on Foreign Relations, co-authored and approved the infamous book, Building a North American Union. Heidi Cruz worked as economic advisor for Latin America in the George W. Bush White House. He and Heidi can be called the Father and Mother of the North American Union. Heidi has worked for J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch. She was Vice President of Wealth Management for Goldman Sachs Bank. Ted Cruz is actually pro-Immigration Amnesty; He is a homosexual supporter and recently met privately with gay billionaires in New York City. A fake conservative, he is supported by Jewish radicals, including Alan Dershowitz and the billionaire Koch brothers. He is secretly associated with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner. Discover the astonishing truth about the hoaxer and deceiver.
18. Homosexual Reprobates in Israel Are Turning America Into a Satanic Pit and Hellhole: Download
Reprobate homosexuals in Israel and America are rapidly changing American culture. In Israel, transgenders are celebrated. Tel Aviv has been named the "Gay Mecca of the World;" Gays have taken over Israel’s military and are committing heinous sex crimes. Same-sex marriage is legal but marriage between a Jew and a Gentile is forbidden. Homosexuality is traced back to the war against Rome and the burning of Jerusalem by Titus.
17. Jewish Slave Traders and Other Secrets of the Confederacy: Download
A Texe Marrs Exclusive Report. Never before told secrets of the Confederacy. Jewish slave traders owned the ships and trafficked in slaves. Their rabbis at synagogues were Confederate leaders. Jews owned many slave plantations. The Secretary of the War and the Attorney General for the South were Jews who worked closely with the European Rothschilds. And more secrets...
16. President Obama's War Against Netanyahu, the Neocon Jews, and Political Saboteurs: Download
Texe Marrs was the first to report on Obama's turning away from control by his Jewish masters. First, he threw Israeli spy Rahm Emanuel out of his position as White House Chief of Staff. Now, he has rejected the Jews' harsh demands for war in Iran. Obama also shocked Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu by ordering the CIA to release publicly its Top Secret report accusing Israel of having stolen American uranium and it's A-bomb and H-bomb secrets. The CIA says Israel now has hundreds of nuclear bombs, a fact that Israel has lied about and deceived its own people and American citizens for 50 years. Now, Obama insists it is time-after 70 years of occupation-for Israel to give the imprisoned Palestinians their national sovereignty. What will be next? Will the Jewish neocons punish Obama by assassinating him the way they did John F. Kennedy?
15. America's Racial Powder Keg: Download
Texe Marrs interviews author Victor Thorn on his important new book. Thorn says that America's black communities have become concentration camps, but with rampant illegal drugs and crime. Government dependency has turned the once surviving black race into virtual slaves. The rate of black-on-black crime is hideous, over 37 white women are raped by blacks for every 1 black woman raped by white men. Black cities are garbage dumps with declining populations and corrupt governments-Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and L.A., etc. Blacks are told that the white man is at fault, a great lie. Obama, Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and similar "race hustlers" are destroying the black community. Amidst all this chaos, however, a tiny, portion of blacks-perhaps 2 percent-are rising. Hard working, determined, successful, they are leaving the ghetto, picking themselves up by the bootstraps. Can these few lead the way to a new life for blacks in America?
14. Secrets (Volume 223): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers secrets the mass media dare not reveal:
(1) Israelis enjoy beaches on Mediterranean while, next door, in Palestine, people are being slaughtered;
(2) Tel Aviv recognized as "Gay Mecca" of world. The Israeli government sponsors this hedonistic festival and thousands pour in from across the earth;
(3) Do dogs and cats go to heaven?;
(4) Jesus' parable in Mark 12:1-9, "Lord of the Vineyard"-refers to Jews who kill Christ and demand inheritance for themselves;
(5) Jewish historian Josephus wrote of homosexual Jewish Warriors who fought the Romans in 65-70 AD rebellion. Their faces were painted, their hair made up in women's fashions, they were effeminate-and they were murderers;
(6) Sign of Diablo-the two horns-is now everywhere. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, all use this sign;
(7) U.S. Army prohibits its chaplains from mentioning scripture to counselors to prevent soldier suicides;
(8) Transgenders permitted to play on female sports teams;
(9) Refugees from overseas are pouring into America. Thousands if Somalis now live in Minnesota. Their community is called "Little Magadalish." In Sacramento, Ukrainians are everywhere;
(10) San Francisco newspaper claims that mental asylums in California use shock treatment torture and degradation to rule the patients. Worse than prison camps.
13. Are robots alive?: Download
Scientists claim humanity is on the threshold of an amazing age of robotic life and incredible artificial intelligence. What are the implications of the soon-coming breakthroughs, chronicled by Texe Marrs in his groundbreaking book, Robot Alchemy? Are robots alive? Will they take man's place? Is this evolutionary step now inescapable? What of the robotics scientist who recently warned that robots will become so advanced, we humans will become their pets?
12. America the Golem-Israel's Dumb Beast Ravages the World: Download
Judaism teaches that a great and dumb beast/man, The Golem, is sent to protect Jews and advance Israel at certain times in history. The rabbis call on him with magic language, formulas, and ritual. Some say that the U.S.A. is this Golem and that we are now doing the will of the rabbis-killing, torturing, and conquering their enemies in the Middle East. But Jewish history says that sometimes, the Golem, like Frankenstein, turns against the Jews and destroys its creators.
11. The Most Vulgar Nation on Earth: Download
Texe Marrs proves that America has sadly become the most vulgar nation on earth. From the era 1776-1800, when General George Washington issued an Order to his soldiers forbidding profane language and bad words, America has degraded to become a dirty, foul-speaking land. Decency and dignity are missing. Political leaders-Vice President Cheney, Vice President Biden and others spout the "F" word; Hillary Clinton is celebrated as a lesbian who is "As Bad as She Wants to Be;" Ministers preach of the bedroom act from the podium and use obscenities; pro-football stars display obscene hand gestures; comedy stars regale us with jokes on body fluids and worse. Are these things not an affront to Almighty God?
10. Secrets (Volume 222): Download
Texe Marrs looks at things and events the controlled media refuse to cover:
(1) Christian rapture teacher defends the Jewish Star on flag of Israel; quotes false Bible version;
(2) Syrian Christians suffer and are under satanic attack by Moslem group, ISIS. Leaders plead to America for help;
(3) 5-pointed star of Freemasonry connected to Persian religion of Zoroastrianism and other pagan religions;
(4) Psychologists say that the internet is rewiring peoples' brains and causing psychosis and disorders;
(5) Atheists in Michigan celebrate "snaketivity;"
(6) People in Ukraine write of their suffering and suppression;
(7) Freemasonry related to Satan’s ancient mystery religions;
(8) The new U.S. Liberty coins which depict a black African-American woman have been approved by the U.S. Treasury;
(9) Propaganda is released claiming Osama bin Laden had ties to Iran;
(10) Church in Washington State asks members to submit to government authority.
09. The TranceFormation of Humanity: Machines, God and the Exaltation of the Jews (Part 2): Download
Texe Marrs continues his insight filled report on how our culture and lives have been transformed and the masses have been placed in a hypnotic state. Part 2 completes this exciting series.
08. The TranceFormation of Humanity (Part 1, Sex, Politicians, and War): Download
The Illuminati, made up mostly of Jews, has worked for decades to pollute and destroy American culture and to undermine Christianity. Texe Marrs, in this series, examines six revolutionary areas in which the elite have succeeded in creating a mass trance, or hypnotic state: Sex, Politicians, War, Machines, God, and the Exaltation of the Jews. On Part 1, we see how sexual lust, crooked and lying politicians, the thirst for war and conquest, and the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence are TranceForming America and the world.
07. Christian Zionism and the Synagogue of Satan (Heresy Series, Volume 2): Download
Texe Marrs examines the unbiblical doctrines of the Christain Zionists (Dispensationalists). Servants of Satan, they believe they are saints of God. Warning! "They will kill you and thinketh they do God service." Starting with Revelation 14:6, every teaching of these carnal people-mostly Baptist and Pentacostal-is refuted by Scripture.
06. Secrets (Volume 221): Download
Texe Marrs takes an insider's look at things the controlled media dare not mention:
(1) Be awake! God gives Christians light-the ability to understand the events of these last days;
(2) Voters gave Republicans a resounding victory in November elections. In return, the House and Senate leaders betrayed the voters' trust. Senator McConnell and Speaker Boehner are actually promoting Obama's socialist agenda. What is going on?;
(3) President Obama visits India and Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, Michelle Obama refused to wear the Moslem garb and the burka. Good for her! But Barack Obama, in remarks, claimed that all gods are the same;
(4) Some claim that God loves everyone. Really? What about sexual deviants such as pedophiles? What of Jews who despise and hate Jesus?;
(5) Texe explains the congressional "power of the purse" and examines Congress' power to limit the jurisdiction of federal courts;
(6) Does Congress have hidden powers to stop Obamacare and end abortion forever?;
(7) Radio listener alleges that, "Texe Marrs is actually Prince Henrik of Denmark." Texe compliments him for his "startling discovery";
(8) Internet watcher claims Texe is actually a "Jesuit Coadjutor";
(9) Texe visits George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. There he discovers the incredible serpent hiding in the church;
(10) Claim-99% of terrorists caught by the FBI prove to be fakes;
(11) Jewish snipers help overthrow Ukraine's legal government.
05. Zionist Puppets for President-Jews' Money Buys Republican Loyalty: Download
Texe Marrs explores the many Republican candidates for President, including Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, et al. He unmasks their hidden Jewish connections and their ardent Zionism. Why is it that every one of these men is a toady for Israel? Why doesn't America come first for them?
04. Israel is Not a Jewish State-How President Harry Truman Tricked the Zionists and Became an Anti-Semite Pariah: Download
True History Revealed! Recently unearthed FBI records tell us that Jewish spies in 1948 paid President Harry Truman millions to recognize Israel as a nation-state. But Truman got the last laugh. After taking their bribe, Truman did recognize Israel, but not as a Jewish state. The U.S.A. has never recognized the Jewish aspect and so Israel remains an illegitimate criminal nation.
03. The Temple of the Illuminati vs. The Temple of God: Download
A Texe Marrs Special Edition. The Masons and other Illuminati elite plan to rebuild the Temple of Solomon atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Jewish rabbis likewise intend to build this edifice. It will be an ungodly Temple in which the antichrist will come and declare himself to be God. Christians are deceived, and many now send money to the rabbis for this blasphemous Temple, falsely believing they are hastening the return of Jesus. But Jesus prophesied the downfall of the great Temple in Jerusalem and the desolation of the once Holy City. The Bible says that God does not and will not reside in a Temple built by human hands. Indeed, the people of God are spiritually His holy Temple. Incredible implications!
02. Secrets (Volume 220): Download
Texe Marrs explores things the controlled media will not touch:
(1) Those who belong to Christ are made to be victorious;
(2) Do pets go to heaven?;
(3) What candidates are already preparing for 2016 elections?;
(4) Who was Maya Angelou? What was her connection to the famous Black Muslim, Malcolm X?;
(5) Has House speaker John Boehner worked behind the scenes with President Barack Obama to plot against you and me?;
(6) The House and Senate just passed its biggest budget ever, $1.1 trillion dollars. This amount included money for ObamaCare and for the amnesty program for illegal aliens;
(7) The Republicans have lied to everyone about everything. Are there really two separate political parties, or are they both controlled by the elite?;
(8) New bank requirement: If banks fail, a new law says that they may confiscate your savings and banking accounts. The FDIC is not required to reimburse you anything, not even one dime. This is outrageous!
01. Truth and Lies-Why Our Presidents and Other Leaders Lie to Us: Download
We are plagued by liars today. Our politicians have turned lying into an art. President Obama lied about the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Democrats claimed ObamaCare would save Americans $2500 per year. House speaker John Boehner has lied to us about ObamaCare as well. Bill Clinton lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. George W. Bush lied about his service in the National Guard during Vietnam. How many other Presidents have lied to us? Did they benefit from these lies? Are these atrocious leaders psychopaths? The answers to these questions and much more are on this week's vitally important program.